
Gif of a blue bunny

About Me!

A flying spacecraft moving in a straight line acros the page

Hello! My name is Laslus (but you can call me Las, or Lu), I'm a queer scientist (he/she/they) in my late twenties who misses the time the internet wasn't made for companies and was made by the people! I'm mostly procrastinating working on my own research right now a little guy siting in shame, but I guess this is a lot better than twitter!

Hopefully this website will become a little hub of small games I enjoy playing during breaks and things I feel passionate about and am trying to learn small bunny happy! You can follow me on my journey to study a bit of everything. I'm always up for civil and informed discussion on my chat! Signal for warning but in baby pink But be warned that I do not tolarate any bigotry or bad faith arguments and will use the block button with liberty. Signal for warning but in baby pink

I believe in freedom of information and free access of it, and will always do my best to make my content here acessible. If you see anything that makes this site unacessible please let me know and I'll fix as soon as I can!

Dont forget to sign my guestbook and have fun!

Please note: Some Quantum Physics Theories sugest that when the user is not directly observing this Website, it may cease to exist or will only exist in a vague and undeterminate state

Internet Archive from the river to the sea palestine will be free ACAB Get QUEER now! This user suportes Open Source Sofwares Learn to be gentle I should be studying Can't sleep, too gay Be nice or shut up! I speak fangirl Fushoji please interact LGBT+ suporte and Pride [various blinking pride flags] Black Lives Matter Don't like, dont read [press the close bottom] Need moar coffee all ships are good ships He/She/They, written over the bisexual pride flag] Steal This Binkie Like the legend of the penis Homoerotic Vampires

3D gif of a construction fence this website is still under construction! We are sorry for any inconvience 3D gif of a construction fence